Yangon Branch
Address | 2nd Floor, Union Financial Centre, Corner of Maharbandoola Road and Thein Phyu Road, Bohtataung Township, Yangon, Republic of the Union of Myanmar |
Telephone | TEL: 95-1-861-0371 FAX: 95-1-861-0384 |

- Corporate Banking Loans.
- Deposit Accounts.
- Remittances.
- Trade Finance.
- Bank Guarantees.
Yangon Branch opened on April 22, 2015 as a first foreign bank in Myanmar.
(Originally former Yokohama Specie Bank established representative office in 1918)
(Originally former Yokohama Specie Bank established representative office in 1918)
Currently MUFG Yangon Branch provides full banking services, including deposits, loans and foreign exchange to foreign companies and domestic banks operating in Myanmar. At the same time, we act as an agent for the Japanese Government's ODA to Myanmar.
1.Bank Tariffs
2.Account Opening Forms and related
- 200_Required documents for Account Opening (2.03MB)
- 201_Acc Opening App Current (159KB)
- 202_Acc Opening App Saving (236KB)
- 203_Acc Opening App FD (157KB)
- 204_Specimen Signature (62KB)
- 205_Authorisation Letter (145KB)
- 206_Email Transaction Agreement (60KB)
- 207_Application for New Cheque Book (114KB)
- 208_Notice of Mailing Address (67KB)
- 209_Notice of Person in charge of Delivery (66KB)
- 210_Application for Termination of Bank Account (48KB)
- 211_Master Terms of Business (236KB)
- 212_Myanmar Addendum (201KB)
3.Daily Transaction Forms
4.Other Forms
5.Sample_Transaction and Other forms
- 501_Sample_Application for MMK Domestic Transfer (173KB)
- 502_Sample_Application for Foreign Currency Remittance (USD, EUR, etc.) (143KB)
- 503_Sample_Application for Amendment_Cancellation of Remittance (560KB)
- 504_Sample_Application for Balance Certificate (792KB)
- 505_Sample_Application for Withdrawal (406KB)
- 506_Sample_Application for Reissue of Statement (134KB)
- 507_Sample_Notice of Change (252KB)
- 508_Sample_Specimen Signature (344KB)
- 509_Sample_Authorisation letter (194KB)
- 510_Sample_Application for New Cheque Book (129KB)
- 511_Sample_Notice of Mailing address (280KB)
- 512_Sample_Application for Termination of Bank Account (157KB)
- 513_Sample_Board resolution and Minutes (212KB)
- 514_Sample_Power of Attorney (POA) (206KB)
- 515_Sample_Business activities & Capital Injection Declaration Form (253KB)
- 516_Sample_Time Deposit Instruction Form (256KB)
- 517_Sample_Application for Issue of Advices (54KB)
- 518_Sample_Form of Notice of Drawdown (Old Version) (23KB)
- 519_Sample_Form of Notice of Drawdown (New Version) (67KB)
6.COMSUITE Agreements and GCMS Plus Terms & Conditions
7.Sample_COMSUITE Agreements
8.COMSUITE and GCMS Plus Applications
- 801_COMSUITE_Application for Contract and Service Setup_CS_APP101 (5.65MB)
- 802_COMSUITE_Application for COMSUITE Owner Information Maintenance_CS_APP201 (2.18MB)
- 803_COMSUITE_Application for User Maintenance_CS_APP202 (5.58MB)
- 804_COMSUITE_Application for Account and Service Maintenance_CS_APP203 (5.28MB)
- 805_COMSUITE_Application for Product Termination_CS_APP301 (317KB)
- 806_GCMS_Plus_Request_for_Cancellation_of_Money_Transfer_Instruction (96KB)
- 807_GCMS_Plus_Request_for_Amendment_to_Money_Transfer_Instruction (89KB)
- 808_GCMS_Plus_Request_For_Cancellation_of_File_Transfer_Instruction (179KB)
9.Sample_COMSUITE and GCMS Plus Applications
- 901_Sample_Common_New Contract (CS_APP101) (435KB)
- 902_Sample_Common_Add Products (CS_APP101) (436KB)
- 903_Sample_Common_Add User (CS_APP202) (268KB)
- 904_Sample_Common_Change Applicant Name (CS_APP201) (196KB)
- 905_Sample_Common_Change Charge Account (CS_APP201) (197KB)
- 906_Sample_Common_Change Email Address (CS_APP202) (267KB)
- 907_Sample_Common_Change User Category (CS_APP202) (136KB)
- 908_Sample_Common_Change User Name (CS_APP202) (267KB)
- 909_Sample_Common_Change User Name and Email Address (CS_APP202) (267KB)
- 910_Sample_Common_Delete User (CS_APP202) (263KB)
- 911_Sample_Common_Release Suspended Status_User Reactivation (CS_APP202) (222KB)
- 912_Sample_Common_Request OTP Token Related Actions (CS_APP202) (226KB)
- 913_Sample_Common_Reset Password (CS_APP202) (223KB)
- 914_Sample_Common_Terminate Product_All Products (CS_APP301) (324KB)
- 915_Sample_GCMS Plus_Add Account (CS_APP203) (297KB)
- 916_Sample_GCMS Plus_Add Account Service (CS_APP203) (297KB)
- 917_Sample_GCMS Plus_Change Account Holder's Name (CS_APP203) (297KB)
- 918_Sample_GCMS Plus_Change Service Information (CS_APP201) (256KB)
- 919_Sample_GCMS Plus_Delete Account (CS_APP203) (298KB)
- 920_Sample_GCMS Plus_Delete Account Service (CS_APP203) (297KB)
- 921_Sample_GCMS Request for Amendment to Money Transfer Instruction (219KB)
- 922_Sample_GCMS_Plus_Request_for_Cancellation_of_Money_Transfer_Instruction (253KB)
- 923_Sample_GCMS_Plus_Request_for_Cancellation_of_File_Transfer_Instruction (195KB)
- 924_Sample_Common_Add or Change Mobile No. (CS_APP202) (267KB)
- 925_Sample_Common_Delete Mobile No. (CS_APP202) (264KB)
10.Other Information
(as of June 19, 2020)