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ECA Finance

MUFG Bank provides Export Credit Agency (ECA) finance to support our customers' export and import transactions and their business development overseas.
MUFG Bank advises and arranges finance with ECAs around the world, including the Japan Bank for International Corporation (JBIC) and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) by using the resources of our global network.

Example of Buyer's Credit

Buyer's Credit

ECA Finance League table

Global ECA Financing Volume by MLA - Rank1 MUFG - vol.$m 8,012 - Deals 33 - %Share 11.7
Global ECA Financing (ex. Aircraft and Shipping) Volume by MLA Rank1 MUFG - vol.$m 7,096 - Deals 22 - %Share 11.2

MUFG Bank Global ECA Finance Network

MUFG Bank Global ECA Finance Network