MUFG Bank Corporate Governance Policies
1. Purpose
1-1. Purpose
The MUFG Bank Corporate Governance Policies (these "Policies") set out the policy and framework of the corporate governance of MUFG Bank, Ltd. as a core subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. ("MUFG") and serve as a guide for the actions of directors and management*.
(* "Management" means those responsible for management of our group; the executive officers and senior fellows of MUFG Bank and the directors and executive officers of our group companies.)
The MUFG Bank Corporate Governance Policies (these "Policies") set out the policy and framework of the corporate governance of MUFG Bank, Ltd. as a core subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. ("MUFG") and serve as a guide for the actions of directors and management*.
(* "Management" means those responsible for management of our group; the executive officers and senior fellows of MUFG Bank and the directors and executive officers of our group companies.)
1-2. Revision
2. Approach to corporate governance
2-1. Basic approach
As a core subsidiary of MUFG, MUFG Bank will actively contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and will aim for sustainable growth and increase of corporate value over the medium- to long-term, in consideration of the perspectives of its stakeholders including MUFG as a shareholder and MUFG's shareholders (together, "MUFG and its shareholders") as well as customers, employees and local communities, under the "MUFG Way" which is established as MUFG's shared values and medium- to long-term goals, including the purpose defined as "Committed to empowering a brighter future."
MUFG Bank will aim to realize effective corporate governance through fair and highly transparent management based on the guidance provided by these Policies.
The MUFG Bank Corporate Governance Policies (these "Policies") set out the policy and framework of the corporate governance of MUFG Bank, Ltd. as a core subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. ("MUFG") and serve as a guide for the actions of directors and management*.
(* "Management" means those responsible for management of our group; the executive officers and senior fellows of MUFG Bank and the directors and executive officers of our group companies.)
2-2. Role as a parent company
As a core subsidiary of MUFG, MUFG Bank will aim to increase the corporate value of our group as a whole through management of subsidiaries to ensure the sound and appropriate management of our entire group.
The MUFG Bank Corporate Governance Policies (these "Policies") set out the policy and framework of the corporate governance of MUFG Bank, Ltd. as a core subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. ("MUFG") and serve as a guide for the actions of directors and management*.
(* "Management" means those responsible for management of our group; the executive officers and senior fellows of MUFG Bank and the directors and executive officers of our group companies.)
2-3. MUFG Bank's governance structure
MUFG Bank has chosen the governance structure of a company with Audit & Supervisory Committee (a company prescribed in Article 2, item (xi-2) of Japan's Companies Act) from the following perspectives.
The MUFG Bank Corporate Governance Policies (these "Policies") set out the policy and framework of the corporate governance of MUFG Bank, Ltd. as a core subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. ("MUFG") and serve as a guide for the actions of directors and management*.
(* "Management" means those responsible for management of our group; the executive officers and senior fellows of MUFG Bank and the directors and executive officers of our group companies.)
- To enhance flexibility of management by delegating a large portion of material business decisions from the Board of Directors to the Executive Committee, while also creating an effective management supervisory framework through the participation of directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members in resolutions of the Board of Directors.
- To build an efficient and highly effective corporate governance structure through coordination between the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Committee.
- To realize a corporate governance structure with even greater accountability to domestic and overseas stakeholders.
3. Role of the Board of Directors
3-1. Role of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors decides key management policies and is responsible for management supervision. Decisions on matters of business execution other than specific matters stipulated by laws and regulations shall in principle be delegated to the Executive Committee; provided, however, that decisions on particularly important matters of business execution shall be made by the Board of Directors.
The matters performed by the Board of Directors are as follows.
The MUFG Bank Corporate Governance Policies (these "Policies") set out the policy and framework of the corporate governance of MUFG Bank, Ltd. as a core subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. ("MUFG") and serve as a guide for the actions of directors and management*.
(* "Management" means those responsible for management of our group; the executive officers and senior fellows of MUFG Bank and the directors and executive officers of our group companies.)
- Decisions on key management policies such as business strategy, risk management policy, capital policy and resource allocation for our entire group.
- Supervision of the execution of duties by directors and management.
- Decisions on our group's internal control systems, and supervision of the establishment and operation of such systems.
- Supervision of matters such as the development of the corporate governance structure and the establishment of a sound corporate culture.
4. Duties of directors
4-1. Duties of directors
Directors, as elected by the shareholders and entrusted as managers, owe a duty of loyalty and a duty of care in respect of the execution of their duties, and shall contribute to MUFG Bank's sustainable growth and increase of corporate value over the medium- to long-term.
Directors shall make timely and appropriate decisions on investment and other business matters based on the reasonable collection of information.
Directors shall thoroughly review reports and proposals from management and request explanations or express opinions as necessary for discussion.
Executive directors shall make business decisions delegated to them by the Board of Directors.
Executive directors shall periodically report to the Board of Directors regarding the status of the performance of their duties at least once every three(3) months.
The MUFG Bank Corporate Governance Policies (these "Policies") set out the policy and framework of the corporate governance of MUFG Bank, Ltd. as a core subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. ("MUFG") and serve as a guide for the actions of directors and management*.
(* "Management" means those responsible for management of our group; the executive officers and senior fellows of MUFG Bank and the directors and executive officers of our group companies.)
4-2. Expectations for independent outside directors
5. Composition and other matters regarding the Board of Directors
5-1. Composition
The Board of Directors shall be composed of 30 directors or less in order to ensure its effectiveness.
The Board of Directors as a whole shall have an appropriately balanced composition that provides a deep understanding of our group's business and a wealth of knowledge and expertise on finance, financial accounting, risk management and compliance and so forth.
Accordingly, the Board of Directors shall meet the following requirements in particular.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of internal directors who are familiar with the business of our group and several independent outside directors who supervise executive directors and management from an independent and objective standpoint.
- To ensure the effectiveness of management supervision from an independent and objective standpoint by the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall have an appropriately balanced composition consisting of executive and non-executive directors.
5-2. Election of directors
For election of directors, the Board of Directors shall set forth Director election standards focused on the following and nominate persons who meet such standards as director candidates.
Proposals for the election of directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members must be approved by the Audit & Supervisory Committee in advance of submission to the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Outline of Director Election Standards
- Directors, as elected by the shareholders and entrusted as managers, shall have the qualities required to be able to appropriately fulfill their duty of loyalty and duty of care in the execution of their duties and to contribute to the sustainable growth and the increase of corporate value of MUFG Bank over the medium- to long-term.
- Independent outside directors shall have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of corporate management, finance, financial accounting and law and the qualities required for supervision of the performance of duties by executive directors and management from an independent and objective standpoint, meeting the independence standards of MUFG Bank.
- Executive directors shall have extensive knowledge of our group's business and the ability to appropriately perform management of our group.
5-3. Compensation of directors
The Board of Directors shall decide the details of the proposals for compensation of directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members and directors who are not Audit & Supervisory Committee members for the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The Board of Directors shall decide policies regarding decisions on the details of compensation with the aim of contributing to improved business performance over the medium- and long-term as well as the short-term, while preventing excessive risk-taking, to enable sustainable growth and the increase of corporate value over the medium- to long-term.
The Board of Directors shall decide the establishment of and changes to the compensation system based on the discussions and proposals of the Compensation Committee of MUFG.
The Board of Directors shall decide details of individual compensation, etc. for each of the directors who are not Audit & Supervisory Committee members as competitive and appropriate for MUFG Bank in light of social and economic situations, etc.
Individual compensation of each of the directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members shall be decided through discussion among Audit & Supervisory Committee members.
5-4. Term of office of directors
5-5. Directors with concurrent posts
6. Operation of the Board of Directors
6-1. Resolutions of the Board of Directors
6-2. Requirements of Chairman of the Board of Directors
The role of Chairman of the Board of Directors and the role of President & CEO shall be separated and a suitable director shall be appointed as Chairman to ensure that the Board of Directors effectively fulfills its role of management supervision.
In principle, Chairman of MUFG Bank shall be elected as Chairman of its Board of Directors.
6-3. Role of Chairman of the Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board of Directors shall lead the Board of Directors and shall be obligated to ensure the board's effectiveness.
Chairman of the Board of Directors shall set the schedule and agenda for board meetings after exchanging opinions with each director on a day to day basis, so that the Board of Directors is able to make sound decisions based on sufficient information.
6-4. Support framework
6-5. Provision of information
Management is obligated to provide sufficient information to directors that relates to the execution of duties of directors.
In principle, management shall distribute the Board of Directors' meeting agenda and deliberation materials prior to meetings of the Board of Directors to ensure that directors have the opportunity to understand the content in advance.
Management shall conduct training, explanatory seminars and the like, including training about the business activities and management environment of MUFG Bank, particularly for independent outside directors, on an ongoing basis, including at the time of appointment, in order to provide necessary information in addition to the Board of Directors' meeting agenda.
6-6. Evaluation of the Board of Directors
6-7. Information exchange among independent outside directors
6-8. Advice of outside professionals
7. The Audit & Supervisory Committee
7-1. Role of the Audit & Supervisory Committee
The Audit & Supervisory Committee shall decide the content of proposals pertaining to the election, removal and non-reappointment of the accounting auditor to be submitted to a General Meeting of Shareholders, as well as auditing the performance of duties of directors and preparing auditing reports. The Audit & Supervisory Committee has the power to consent to decisions on compensation for accounting auditors.
Audit & Supervisory Committee members appointed by the Audit & Supervisory Committee may state its opinions on the election, removal or compensation of directors who are not Audit & Supervisory Committee members at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The Audit & Supervisory Committee shall properly exercise its authority to perform investigations, including fieldwork, into the business and finance of MUFG Bank and its subsidiaries, in order to effectively fulfill its role and duties.
7-2. Composition and resolutions of the Audit & Supervisory Committee
The Audit & Supervisory Committee shall be composed of three (3) or more members.
A majority of Audit & Supervisory Committee members shall be independent outside directors.
The Chairman of the Audit & Supervisory Committee shall be appointed from among the independent outside directors.
In order to ensure the effectiveness of audit, full-time member(s) of the Audit & Supervisory Committee shall be appointed.
Resolutions of the Audit & Supervisory Committee shall be adopted by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present who constitute in number a majority of the members entitled to vote.
7-3. Ensuring the effectiveness of audit by the Audit & Supervisory Committee
An Audit & Supervisory Committee Secretariat shall be established in order to assist the Audit & Supervisory Committee with its duties.
The Audit & Supervisory Committee may give specific instructions to the Internal Auditing Division as necessary for the effective performance of audit.
The Audit & Supervisory Committee and the Internal Auditing Division shall share information as appropriate to ensure a system of mutual cooperation.
Decisions on the key personnel matters of the Internal Auditing Division must be approved by the Audit & Supervisory Committee.
8. Relations with shareholders and other stakeholders
8-1. Ensuring rights and equality of MUFG and its shareholders
- MUFG Bank will take appropriate actions to ensure the effective exercise of voting rights by MUFG and its shareholders at General Meetings of Shareholders.
- MUFG Bank will provide information appropriately to contribute to appropriate decisions on the exercise of voting rights by MUFG and its shareholders.
- MUFG Bank will provide adequate explanation to shareholders about capital policy and the like that would have a significant effect on shareholder interests.
- In addition to establishing its policy based on MUFG’s policy with respect to cross-shareholdings of listed shares, with regard to individual strategic shareholdings, MUFG Bank will verify the significance and economic rationale from a medium- to long-term perspective, and provide appropriate explanations to MUFG about the contents of the verification. MUFG Bank shall also formulate its standards based on MUFG’s standards with respect to the exercise of voting rights.
8-2. Related party transactions
8-3. Appropriate collaboration, etc. with all stakeholders
MUFG Bank’s sustainable growth and increase of corporate value over the medium- to long-term are realized through the contributions of stakeholders such as customers, employees and local communities. In performing its management activities, MUFG Bank will strive to build appropriate collaborative relationships with all stakeholders.
Under the "MUFG Way" which is its basic stance towards the performance of its management activities and is the policy for all of its activities shared among the entire MUFG group, based on the belief that sustainable environment and society are the main prerequisites for the MUFG group's sustainable growth with regard to sustainability, MUFG Bank will work to create value by solving environmental and social issues and taking the MUFG group's management strategy together.
MUFG Bank will adopt MUFG Group Code of Conduct as a basis for the judgments and actions of all officers and employees, and will establish an appropriate framework for whistleblowing by employees and so forth, and monitor its enforcement.
9. Appropriate disclosure of information
9-1. Approach to disclosure of information
With an aim to ensure that stakeholders evaluate MUFG Bank based on a proper understanding, MUFG Bank will ensure transparency in information disclosure through appropriate disclosure of its financial information (such as information on its financial condition and operating results) and information regarding business strategy and risk management.
From the perspective of ensuring the fairness and soundness of the securities market, MUFG Bank recognizes the importance of managing the security of undisclosed material information that would influence investment decisions and will practice strict information security.