[ Main contents start here ]

Investor Information for Bond Customers

Financial Information

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) makes available financial reports and highlights of MUFG group companies including those of MUFG Bank, Ltd. Please use the link to MUFG's website to the right and click on "Financial Information" for this information.


*1(Note)Corrections have been made to above documents. 

Please see Jan. 20, 2016 "Revisions to Previously Announced Regulatory Capital Ratios"(24KB)

*2(Note) The document contains only financial information.

Although the document is prepared based on an audited Securities Report written in Japanese, it has not been reviewed by an auditor.

After this disclosure, the disclosure of Semi-annual Securities Report will be discontinued.

*3(Note) From this Annual Securities Report, the document contains only financial information.
For full SEC filings please refer to the EDGAR submissions made by BTM
To Bond Investors

In the "To Bond Investors" section, you will find information about bonds and capital securities issued by MUFG Bank, Ltd.


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