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Green Climate Fund

Green Climate Fund
MUFG Bank supports its clients’ activities toward a sustainable world by providing finance. In line with our environmental and social policy, MUFG Bank will arrange finance with Green Climate Fund (“GCF”). 
This page introduces GCF general information and MUFG Bank’s GCF guidelines for disclosure.


  • The GCF was established by 194 governments to support reduction of greenhouse gases and addressing impacts of climate change in developing countries.
  • GCF’s strategic results area include below sectors :
【Mitigation】 Reducing emissions
   (i) Transport
   (ii) Buildings, cities, industries, and appliances
   (iii) Forests and land use
   (iv) Energy generation and access
【Adaptation】 Increasing resilience
   (v) Health, food and water security
   (vi) Ecosystems and ecosystem services
   (vii) Livelihoods of people and communities
   (viii) Infrastructure and build environment
  • GCF funds will be transferred to and administered by accredited entities. MUFG Bank was approved as an Accredited Entity for Green Climate Fund (GCF) at the 17th GCF Board Meeting on July 5-6th 2017 in Korea.

Contacts & Reference

Primary: Atsuko Nuibe, Director, Sustainable Business Division
Secondary: Chika Fukuyama, Susutainable Business Division


You can find more information on GCF webpage.

Dispute Resolution Procedures

Before pursuing legal action, persons/entities which participate in the procurement process and do not agree with the outcome of the process (including those not selected as a supplier or contractor) (the Petitioner) may appeal to MUFG Bank’s GCF Focal Point (the Dispute Resolution Request).
  1. A “dispute” herein means a disagreement between (i) the Beneficiary Institutions or MUFG Bank as the Accredited Entity and (ii) the Petitioner over any claims, disputes or complaints arising out of or relating to any aspect of a solicitation, bid, or failure to conduct a solicitation or bid, any decision to award or any decision to reject a proposal for award in connection with the procurement of those contracts for goods and works financed by the GCF in the GCF Projects/Programmes.
  2. These Dispute Resolution Procedures apply to and shall constitute the exclusive procedure for resolution of all claims, disputes, complaints and Dispute Resolution Requests of any kind filed by a Petitioner relating in any way to any procurement of those contracts for goods and works financed by the GCF in the GCF Projects/Programmes.
  3. Filing of a Dispute Resolution Request
  • Any Petitioner may file a Dispute Resolution Request seeking a determination with respect to any matter which is included within the scope of these Dispute Resolution Procedures as set forth above.
The Dispute Resolution Request shall be in writing, and shall be filed (i) by email plus (ii) by delivery by certified mail or any other method by which a written business record of delivery is kept, to MUFG Bank’s Focal Point at the address listed below. The Dispute Resolution Request shall also be sent to the relevant Beneficiary Institutions in an address designated in the relevant procumbent process.
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Sustainable Business Division
1-4-5, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8212
  • The Dispute Resolution Request shall include the following information:
i. The name, address (including email address), and telephone number of the Petitioner;
ii. Identification of the Beneficiary Institutions and the solicitation or procurement number that is the subject of the dispute;
iii. A statement of the factual grounds supporting the position of the Petitioner;
iv. Any other documentation the Petitioner wishes to submit in support of Petitioner’s position;
v. A statement of the relief requested; and
vi. The signature of the Petitioner.
  • For a Dispute Resolution Request to be timely filed, the Dispute Resolution Request must be physically received by MUFG Bank’s GCF Focal Point with the time period described as below.
  1. Time for filing a Dispute Resolution Request
  • Written disputes relative to the specifications or the solicitation document shall be filed not later than fifteen (15) business days prior to the closing date for receipt of initial proposals by bidders to the relevant Beneficiary Institutions as designated in the relevant procumbent process.
  • Written disputes relative to an amendment to any solicitation that are apparent before the closing date for receipt of proposals by bidders to the relevant Beneficiary Institutions as designated in the relevant procumbent process shall be filed within fifteen (15) business days after the amendment is posted by the relevant Beneficiary Institutions.
  • Written disputes relative to the award of a contract shall be filed within fifteen (15) business days after receipt of a notice not to award such contract.
  • All other written disputes shall be filed not later than fifteen (15) business days after the Petitioner knows or should have known of the facts giving rise to the action complained of provided that in any case such dispute shall be filed without delay so as not to make an adverse effect on the procurement of goods and works for the GCF Projects/Programmes.
  • Failure to file a written Dispute Resolution Request in accordance herewith shall bar any further administrative equitable relief.
i. If the Dispute Resolution Request is timely filed, the Beneficiary Institutions may, subject to the approval of the Accredited Entity, award and enter into such contract only if a written determination that the award of such contract without delay is necessary to protect substantial interests of the GCF Projects/Programmes.
  1. Notice of Filing of a Dispute Resolution Request
  • Material submitted by a Petitioner shall not be withheld from any interested party except to the extent required by law.
  • If the Petitioner believes the Dispute Resolution Request contains material that should be withheld, a statement advising the MUFG Bank’s GCF Focal Point of this fact shall accompany the Dispute Resolution Request submission.
  1. Decision by MUFG Bank
MUFG Bank shall have the exclusive authority to decide all Dispute Resolution Requests. At the request of MUFG Bank’s GCF Focal Point, each of the Petitioner and the Beneficiary Institutions shall explain its positions in detail and submit any documentation in support thereof.
MUFG Bank’s GCF Focal Point will issue a decision without delay after receipt of the relevant Dispute Resolution Requests and provide it to the relevant Petitioner and the Beneficiary Institutions.
  1. Exclusive administrative remedy
These Dispute Resolution Procedures provide the exclusive administrative procedure for asserting a claim against the Beneficiary Institutions and the Accredited Entity arising out of any matter which is within the scope of these Dispute Resolution Procedures. Neither a Petitioner, nor any other interested party, has a right to any administrative remedy against the Beneficiary Institutions and the Accredited Entity, except in accordance with the procedures set forth in these Dispute Resolution Procedures.


Accredited Master Agreement

  • In March 2018, MUFG Bank signed an Accredited Master Agreement with GCF. This agreement allows MUFG Bank to access the GCF funds in order to implement projects to fight against climate change in developing countries.


Guideline Uploaded date
November 24th, 2020
May 17th, 2019
May 17th, 2019

Environmental & Social reports disclosure

Environmental & Social reports for each GCF project are disclosed in our webpage. For more details, please visit a project-specific web page below.