10th September 2002
Naoshi Fujihira, General Manager - Capital market Divison
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Limited as the
Commissioned Company for Bondholders of Japanese Yen Bonds
of the Fifth Series (1999), Six Series (2000) and Seventh Series (2000)
Yuyi Maeda, General Manager - Market Division
Shinsei Bank, Limited as the Representative
Commissioned Company for Bondholders of
Japanese Yen Bonds of the Fourth Series (1996)
Dear Messrs Fujihira and Maeda,
With respect to the status of our discussions with the International Monetary Fund (the "IMF"), I am pleased to inform you that last week we finalized another stage in our lengthy negotiations with the institutions. We have made progress in the last few months in managing the Argentine economy and this presents us with a basis on which to reach an agreement with the IMF.
The international community, represented by the IMF, wanted to see evidence, a track record of how we were dealing with our economic problems before they committed to any agreement. At this point the track record is there: the crisis is being managed, the constructive forces are already in place, and the economy is rebounding in many sectors. Parallel to this, the fiscal side of the macro economic equation is under check.
There has been a reduction in financial volatility in Argentina. Two signs of this are that the exchange rate has been stable for more than 90 days and that banks have required less assistance. These are just two areas in which our economy is improving.
At present, the points of contention that remain with the IMF concern institutional issues: how to bolster independence of the Central Bank and how to address the problem of the "amparos".
Although we have not yet reached an agreement with the IMF, we are certainly closer to an agreement than ever before. I will be traveling to Washington D.C. next Thursday, to continue the negotiation, and to try to continue to reach an agreement.
You have previously asked about our reasons for continuing to make payments on our debt to the Inter-American Development Bank while we remain in default under our external bonds. The reason is that multilateral institutions are our only potential sosurce of funding during this crisis. Moreover, we believe that bondholders benefit from Argentina's efforts to maintain positive relations with multilateral institutions since aid and financing from these institutions will help the country return to financial health sooner and since these institutions serve, in many instances, an "auditing" role with respect to sovereigns that serves to reassure the market.
Very truly yours,
Guillermo Nielsen