





  1. イタリア・ローマの裁判所が債権者要求に応じて差し押さえ命令を発した事は事実であるが、差し押さえの元となる債権金額は1.4百万ユーロで、一部新聞に17億ユーロと報じられた事は間違いである。債権者はイタリアの個人投資家9名。これら債権者はアルゼンチン共和国に対してデフォルト宣言の手続を取っていない。
  2. アルゼンチン共和国は斯かる命令を受けるまで何等通知を受けておらず、抗弁する機会がなかった。この命令は無効であり、今後の裁判で可能な限りの反論を行う予定である。未だ訴訟手続は進んでおらず、債務不履行についての判断もなされていない。
  3. アルゼンチン共和国は債権者の皆さんと協議を行い、対外債務の再構築について同意が得られる様にしたいと思っている。訴訟という手段ではなくその様な協議を行っていく事が共和国、債権者双方にとって最も有効な手段であると信じており、その為に透明性のある公正な手続を十分に取っていくつもりである。残念ながら現在の経済危機により、IMFとの協議が整うまで債務支払が再開できないが、IMFとの協議は進んでおり、IMF、米州開発銀行共前向きな対応を表明している。
  4. アルゼンチン政府は堅固な金融システムを復活させ、持続可能な経済成長の基盤となる適切な政策を打ち出す努力をしている。その為に今後債務の再構築の協議も行う必要がある。サムライ債の債権者には(イタリアの件を含めて)今後の事態推移についてお知らせしていく所存である。



 From the Secretary of Finance -Ministry of Economy

 An attachment order was issued on July 19, 2002 by a court in Rome against the Republic of Argentina on behalf of a group of nine individual Italian holders of Republic-issued bonds. The Republic did not have an opportunity to oppose plaintiffs' request for the attachment prior to its issuance and plans to contest the order vigorously, because it considers the attachment to have been improperly granted.

 In view of the confusing press reports, it should be clarified that no suit has yet been commenced on the merits of the individuals' claims and no default judgment on the merits has been rendered against the Republic.

 The Republic intends to engage in a dialogue with its external creditors in order to achieve a consensus as to the reprofiling of its external indebtedness. The Republic believes that such a dialogue, and not litigation, is the most effective way of protecting the interests of the Republic and its creditors.

Buenos Aires, 29th July 2002


Buenos Aires,August14th ,2002

 The Republic of Argentina today entered an appeal requesting the reversal of the July 19, 2002 decision of the Tribunale Civile di Roma that purports to allow the freezing of assets of the Republic of Argentina located in Italy and abroad. Argentina believes that this freeze order, which was issued in favor of ten Italian individuals in respect of claims for payment of approximately Euros 1.4 million under Republic of Argentina bonds allegedly held by them, was improperly granted.

 The Republic is confident that the July 19 decision will be overturned and that the Italian courts will thus deny the recent request made by these individual bondholders to freeze certain funds that the Government of Italy has earmarked to assist small Italo-Argentine businesses and to help finance public health services in Argentina. Plaintiffs' attempt to freeze these assets is unsustainable as a matter of law, unenforceable, and inappropriate in light of the nature of the aid intended by the Italian Government and the needs of the Argentine people. It is hoped that the appeal will be heard in an expeditious manner and that the matter will soon be resolved in favor of Argentina.

 Argentina believes that litigation is neither in the long-term interest of Argentina, nor in favour of creditors. The only viable means for addressing creditor claims and arriving at a lasting solution is through a process of negotiation and consensual agreement. Argentine authorities intend to commence this process as soon as they have been able to stabilize the Argentine economy and to determine the resources available it to service its external indebtedness.
